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Showing posts from July, 2017
Weaning It! Never mind Mumming It, we've starting weaning it and by weaning it what really happens is that I give Matilda food and she plays with it for half on hour! I decided to try baby led weaning because it sounded like it made good sense to learn to chew and then swallow rather than the other way round which is what apparently happens with purree weaning. I was really excited to get started: I read up about it, bought all of the 'equipment' and devised a 'plan'. Matilda seemed ready a little while before 6 months (probably about 4.5 months) and I was in two minds about starting her early because many people had said that baby tells you when they're ready and she was showing the signs like trying to get hold of other people's food and loving to watch people eat. However, she wasn't quite sitting independently and I had read that they need to be a bit older for blw compared to traditional weaning. So we held off. We officially started the week ...
A little bit about me... Hello! My name is Sophie, I'm 29 years old and I live in the North West of England. On Friday 6th January 2017 I gave birth to my daughter Matilda. Since her arrival I started making little notes on my phone a bit like a diary and I already love reading back over them so I decided to formalise it into a blog. Even if it's only me who ever reads this I will cherish having these memories documented. I think this blog may become a bit random but I'm planning to write about life with a baby, the joys of pregnancy and birth, travel, food and just generally give a snapshot of my life. If anyone reads this I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Before I had a baby I was 'winging it' now I'm 'mumming it'! (That's so cheesy but I'm a big cheeseball so do expect more beauties like this!) Love Sophie xxx